Sunday, September 27, 2009

#3-I Thnk I'm Turning Chinese I Really Think So

Date #3 was with a nice guy I met through some friends. We went and ate Chinese food which was awesome! He seemed very nervous on our date, which was kinda sweet. I had boots on and he was STILL taller than me (booyah!) He has a job and loves music, which is a good thing! We talked about music and our television shows (we love just about the same things-cool points right there), our jobs, etc. He opened the door for me and escorted me to my car (things a guy is SUPPOSED to do, in case some missed the memo!) He has a dry sense of humor, but it's not too dry. He texted me to tell me he had a great time and can't wait for us to hang out again. Kudos to #3 for being so sweet, holding the door for me, keeping the conversation going, and walking me to my car. He is very quiet and reserved so I'm not sure if he can handle me, but we shall see.........

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