Monday, October 19, 2009

#14-State Fairs and Irish Food

Tonight I had another date with Mr. Meteorologist (my coffee date from last week.) Damn, he is so sweet! Tonight we went to the fair again (I do love me a fair now), and just walked the midway, rode a couple of rides (we held hands on the Ferris Wheel-insert hand over heart and say, "Awwww!"), then left to go to another favorite watering hole of mine to eat some great Irish food. We talked and talked and had a great time, and he told me he "kinda" likes me. I kinda like him too, so we'll see.

UPDATE: The 22-year-old (Mr. Sticks) sent me a text yesterday and this is what it said:
"I sure wish I could have some of your P-U-S-S-Y." Classy! (I texted back something S-U-P-E-R I-N-A-P-P-R-O-P-R-I-A-T-E, too. It's called BOUNDARIES, motherf**ker!) He is now put on the "Do Not Date" list, unless I run out of dates and THEN I'll find him. Lord bless his heart!


  1. Glad to hear a good weather report, ha! Nice.

    As for Mr. Sticks...being 22 years old does not excuse inappropriateness. That's awful.

  2. So don't leave us high and dry...any new/more dates yet??
