Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dates 29, 30, and 31-Sunny Skies with a Possibility of Awesomeness

I had 3 dates with a really great guy this weekend. 1, 2, 3! We had a great time and I REALLY like him. I want us to have fun and get to know each other. I am a little trepidatious though because I don't want to get hurt or hurt anyone. Holy Grail really broke my heart and while I know that wasn't his intention, it still happened.


  1. Three dates in one weekend--wow, that's a lot! I like that you want to have fun and get to know each given that, and given your trepidation, I would say just don't dive in too hard too fast. 'course, just in general, that's sort of my m.o.
