Sunday, November 1, 2009

Date #20-Holy Grail

So, I had #20 with Holy Grail. We had an AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME time! I really really really like him, too. Did I tell you that I really like him?

So, yesterday HG tells me that he wants us to take things slow, that he doesn't want to rush into anything, and I agreed to this because I too, don't want to jump the gun too seriously. HG also told me that we would definitely see each other again because he did want to see me. Today, I have heard nothing from him. Nothing. So now, I don't know what to do. I'm afraid I've scared him off somehow (I'm really good at scaring guys away.)

My team of dating experts have told me to lay low for awhile, let him come to me, so that's what I'm going to do. No contact for a few days. But, after a few days should I contact him? I hate this shit!!! UGH!

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about that girl! i have hope for the educated bubba. For what it's worth I agree with your dating experts, better to let him come to you. He seems straight forward enough by letting you know that he wants to take things slow, but does plan on seeing you again. So I say kudos for honesty. And if he truly is a good guy he will be true to his word for another date. Be strong! we love ya!

  2. Thanks, Lora! Things are slowly progressing. And I'm very happy for this! Holy Grail is so awesome!
