Friday, November 13, 2009

#24-Four is NOT The Magic Number (DUI Guy)

It was bound to happen. All this dating guys that have the same names has surely got me in trouble. I met a guy awhile back that told me, in his opening email to me, that he's had 4 DUI's since JANUARY (it's now NOVEMBER!) When he called the other night, I thought he was someone else and booked the date for tonight, only to REALIZE AFTER WE HAD TALKED that I was indeed going out with DUI Guy.

I summoned the nerve (and chugged plenty of TheraFlu since I have walking pneumonia as well as jam out to some Stones) before the date to get myself "prepared." I didn't know what would await for me when I arrived at the restaurant we were to meet at. DUI Guy showed up, and we had a great dinner. While he is very nice and just a good ol' boy, his tales of not only 4 DUIs in year, but his twice-failed attempts at rehab as well as his FOUR FAILED MARRIAGES, has me thinking that maybe he just ain't "the one." While he's telling me about rehab he is drinking copious amounts of alcohol, to which I"m thinking "I"m so glad I drove here." He also tried to get me to come to his house, which I told him NO because I do that on first dates. Then he kind of got offended that I turned him down. I told him a REAL LADY doesn't chase after a man (and we don't.)

In the middle of the date, IN THE RESTAURANT NO DOUBT, he comes up besides me and says, "May I?" and tries to kiss me in public! "Oh no!", I said. I have to get to know you (i.e. date you for a long time) before any PDA is shown on my part. After the date, he walked me to my car (which was nice) and pecked me twice. Then, AS SOON AS I GOT HOME, my phone is blowing up. It's him with a gazillion questions: "What time are you coming over here tomorrow?" "Do you like me?" "Why couldn't you come over tonight?" "When am I going to see you again?" "When are we going deer hunting?" I nicely told him that I had plans on Saturday (which I have already made before he and I went out) and that I couldn't, but that maybe soon we can get together. He says, "This sounds like a fuckin' blowoff." I told him it wasn't, but that I really had to go because first of all I am SICK WITH PNEUMONIA and am ready for bed.

Let me say that DUI Guy was very funny, a good ol' Southern boy, and we hit it off awesomely. However, he is too damn needy! He is looking for love RIGHT THIS MINUTE. He's not interested in courting/dating, nothing. I think if I told him I wanted to marry him tonight I'd be a newlywed.

How do I handle this? I did tell him I wanted to go deer hunting on his property because I do love to hunt, but damn, while I'm picking out hunting trails will I be picking out china patterns, too?


  1. Um... If I were choosing forms of recreation I could enjoy with a 6'4" lunatic with a history of DUI convictions, I don't think I'd pick one that involves firearms!

  2. Tom's got a good point Nat AND me? Well steer clear of this one......his personal record of the dui's & failed marriages and rehab, well, you don't need none of those problems to contend with......move on girl,

  3. VERY good point, Tom. I think I'm going to steer clear of him. Let him down easy, then avoid him like the swine flu. Thanks for the advice-much love!

  4. Holy Toledo. Run, don't walk, away.
